2023: Into a New Year

Another year passes on planet Earth, and just like clockwork, it has completed yet another revolution around its star as with every other planet in the solar system.* Meanwhile, our social, economic, and political systems around the world are undergoing drastic and dramatic changes, which has much to do with the growing awareness that science and technology must be intelligently applied if humanity is continue to survive, let alone thrive into the future. In one word, it seems as though we are living in a time period where chaos is the defining characteristic. However, this “chaos” is not necessarily good or bad, but merely indicative of the way in which the future may unfold. What is almost certain is that the future will be more complex as we struggle to adapt to nature’s boundaries rather than cling on to artificial limits that have proven themselves to be antiquated and overdue for replacement.

Before proceeding, I think it is worth reposting some of the main events that I have published through the website’s blog. The following is an incomplete and random list of topics (for the sake of brevity) that have been covered during the past year that help to put the above-mentioned into context:

  1. The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scientific and Political Problem
  2. YouTube Channel Launch and Video Publication
  3. Is Humanism an Outdated Philosophy?
  4. Capitalism and the End of Economics as we Know It

To view more publications, please refer to the website’s blog link that is located near the center of the main menu. Alternatively, you may use the website’s search button at the right-hand side of the main menu for browsing through the website’s publications and more.

As we progress through a new year, we should take the time to consider the lives we could develop not just for ourselves but also for all other ecosystems on Earth. In the event that one may ask something akin to the following “Why should I care?”, then it is simply because humans are an extension of nature. In other words, if we desire to experience lives that are happier, healthier, safer, and more meaningful, we must consider the needs of our environment. We need to take the time to think about how we can configure it so that it gives life as opposed to removing it as is apparent with today’s cities whose urban environments have separated humans from the natural environments that were once abundant with life.

Reflecting upon the human-environment relationship isn’t merely an endeavor to be accomplished with science and technology. It is first and foremost a spiritual endeavor that involves reflecting upon what it means to be human. It is a “deep” endeavor that touches upon the essence of our being, i.e. it concerns existentialism. For this reason, it is understandable that some may wish to engage in such an activity at another time when they feel psychologically prepared to remind themselves of their inevitable death… On a more positive note, we will continue to exist albeit in a less complex form, to say the least. With that said, I’d like to wish everyone a “funtastic” new year!

*Technically, it is not like clockwork as the orbital motion of the solar system’s planets is counterclockwise.


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